Monday, August 17, 2009

Day One - On the Road

I am so glad I choose to take the route through Tennessee and so on... the hours went by a lot faster then when I went the southern root through Louisiana & Mississippi.

So yesterday after arriving in Nashville I checked into my hotel which is really nice! (thank you Whitney Lewis for helping with the discount)... then proceeded to transform into a tourist... I ate a late lunch/early dinner at a Nashville Tradition... or at least that's what it said on the sign called the Pancake Pantry... they had great pancakes... But the whole time I was there I though about Paul... Because he loves pancakes or anything the is full of carbs! Speaking of Paul... I had a sad/funny moment yesterday when Audrie thought he was with me... Then Steven texted telling me she is still messing up. I thinks its funny but Paul I really miss you and do wish you were here. Then I drove around town seeing the sites like driving down Broadway by all the Honky Tonks next time I come to Nashville I will try not to make it a Sunday because most of the museums & tours were closed because I love Museums and Tours! After my tour I went to a movie at a really nice theater where you can occasionally see country & christian music stars (I looked it up online) so I figured it would be a safe theater to go to. Julie & Julia was Hilarious... If you get a chance go see it.

So the mover is coming tomorrow and I am nowhere near Alpine yet... Next stop Dallas... I am going to dinner with a couple of friends from school or maybe just one depending on if I can get a hold of them all. Check back later for more updates from the road.

God Bless & Much Love!

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