Monday, August 17, 2009

Day Two - On the Road

So today was decently uneventful for me...Besides the minor crisis evolving the movers delivering my stuff while I am literally a thousand miles away. I am not so fond of that whole thing but really there is nothing I can do about it but pray that everything came out alright and we are good to go.
I drove from Nashville to Dallas. Made it safe and sound... again I am so thankful I choose this route now for two reasons... One because the 10 hours I drove today were beautiful and I can't really say that about the 10 from Jackson MS... The second reason is apparently a tropical storm is hitting ground somewhere in the Mississippi & Louisiana region. Also a plus is I don't ever remember going to Arkansas before... But now I can say I have been there... And now I can say I have in fact driven across both Tennessee & Arkansas... next step is driving across Texas... Although Texas has some beautiful parts I am sad to say that most of them are not between Dallas & Alpine... Fort Worth is a lovely city and mountains of TX are lovely this time of year but they are not as visible from the road as one would prefer when driving but hopefully I can get there without to much trouble... Fact... I have single-handedly driven over 1000 Miles... So I have driven 500 miles and I have driven 500 more to be the girl who drove 1000 miles to fall down at my (new) door! Hehehe... I have to add 500 more so I will be the girl who drove 1500 miles to fall at my own door! Wow... Sorry but I am trying to make light of a lot of driving I am almost done and very ready to be. Please pray the Lord would protect me on the road tomorrow... I get to see Audrie and Steven and My girl Joanna tomorrow! I can't wait!
God Bless & Much Love! ~ Alicia

Day One - On the Road

I am so glad I choose to take the route through Tennessee and so on... the hours went by a lot faster then when I went the southern root through Louisiana & Mississippi.

So yesterday after arriving in Nashville I checked into my hotel which is really nice! (thank you Whitney Lewis for helping with the discount)... then proceeded to transform into a tourist... I ate a late lunch/early dinner at a Nashville Tradition... or at least that's what it said on the sign called the Pancake Pantry... they had great pancakes... But the whole time I was there I though about Paul... Because he loves pancakes or anything the is full of carbs! Speaking of Paul... I had a sad/funny moment yesterday when Audrie thought he was with me... Then Steven texted telling me she is still messing up. I thinks its funny but Paul I really miss you and do wish you were here. Then I drove around town seeing the sites like driving down Broadway by all the Honky Tonks next time I come to Nashville I will try not to make it a Sunday because most of the museums & tours were closed because I love Museums and Tours! After my tour I went to a movie at a really nice theater where you can occasionally see country & christian music stars (I looked it up online) so I figured it would be a safe theater to go to. Julie & Julia was Hilarious... If you get a chance go see it.

So the mover is coming tomorrow and I am nowhere near Alpine yet... Next stop Dallas... I am going to dinner with a couple of friends from school or maybe just one depending on if I can get a hold of them all. Check back later for more updates from the road.

God Bless & Much Love!

Monday, August 10, 2009

One week...

Time in NC is coming slowly to an end but at the same time it is quickly passing by. I can't believe that a week from now I will be on my way! The reality is still settling in. I have quite a few people to see before I go. I am having lunch with at least 3 different people and am hanging out with quite a few others. People are so important to me. I will miss a lot of people when I leave. But mostly I will miss my Family.

Just a note anyone who wants to see me before I go... Please let me know!

I am putting together a schedule so let me know when you are available My schedule is filling up already.

On the Schedule:
Spend time with friends & family!
Pack Car
Saturday Family day!
Sunday Leave :o(

Friday, August 7, 2009

New Website Layout...

I have put together a website to help people follow My Road to Wild Fire... I just finalized some updates on it. Check it out Here:

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Moving out...

Wow I am so glad that went so well... All my stuff is now packed away in a truck headed for... Well honestly I don't were... but finial destination... Alpine, Texas. I am Glad things have gone so smoothly... Dad is doing much better. They let him out of the hospital on Friday Last week and although he could only sit in the living room and have a few people at a time come and see him... we still packed out our yard with on average 100 people at any given time between 11 & 3 on Saturday... The party was a huge success... Thank you to all who came and graced us with your presence. My Family was hugely blessed by all the people who showed up and the cards that still keep coming in! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! Y'all don't know how much it means to us.
Well now it is a week and a half and counting till we are on the road. Thursday we should be getting the results of the PET scan dad just got this morning. This will be what decides whether they get to come with me on the trip or not. Time will tell!

So I only have 3 more days left at Family Dollar... and I am praying for patience. The grace started lifting a few weeks ago... at this point that grace is long gone. Just being there Monday morning was tough. I have been treated pretty much like I am already gone. I will only be doing some minor training with my replacement they are having her train with another MA so that when I am gone she has someone else to work with her. Just a few more days and I will be able to focus on spending time with my family and friends and getting myself ready for the long trip ahead of me.

On the Schedule This week:
More trips to the store (Target & Costco)
Start getting my car ready... Take care of auto maintenance and repairs.
Move into the guest room