Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Moving right along...

One month! A month from today we me and... well only time will tell exactly who is going with me... will be packing up and leaving to drive across the good ol US of A... As of now the itinerary is as follows: See map

Aug 16th AM- Leave Charlotte for Nashville, TN est: 6.5-7 Hrs
Aug 16th PM - Check out Nashville, Stay in Nashville, TN overnight
Aug 17th AM - Leave Nashville, TX for Dallas, TX est: 9.5-10 Hrs
Aug 17th PM - Visit Friends at CFNI, Stay on Campus overnight
Aug 18th AM - Leave Dallas, TX for Alpine, TX est: 8-8.5 Hrs
Aug 18th PM - Arrive in Alpine! Visit with Friends and Family!
Aug 19th AM - Sleep in a little! Wish Steven a very happy birthday!
Aug 19th-21nd - Movers come. Unpacking and settling in!
Aug 22nd - Road trip Buddy/Buddies Fly home to NC :o(

On the Schedule This week:
Book the Mover (Still... They are supposed to call me today)
Call CFNI about room on campus
Call (and actually talk to) Bethany Dilts
More Packing
Make list of things I need from the store...
More trips to the store (Walmart, Costco, Ikea...Ect)

Until next week!

Thank you,
Alicia Zinn

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