Monday, July 6, 2009

And miles to go before I sleep...

That is the last line to a Robert Frost poem I have been contemplating lately: Click here to read about my contemplations. It couldn't be truer though...
I have so much to do and so far to go in the next 40 days. Yep 40 Days... So soon but at the same time so far away. I have begun booking hotels and packing to move 1600+ miles across the country. Days are flying by. I have 5 and a half weeks left at work. In which I have to help get things ready for a replacement... That's always fun.

On the Schedule This week:
Go to Ikea with Mom to get some stuff for my apt/house.
I need to finalize a list of what I am taking.
Then book the movers.
Start packing the small stuff.
Get someone in Alpine to check out my Apt in Alpine.
Call the Austin branch of the Dilts family (long overdue)!

I am going to try and update at least once a week from this point on for those who would like to keep updated on what is going on.

Thank you,
Alicia Zinn

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