Monday, July 20, 2009

Getting ready to go...

So I have see pictures of my Apt... It looks great. Except for the part where they didn't have the carpet down yet. But it will be when I get there. Yay! New carpet is good! I had a nice relaxing weekend in the mountains... Swam in the Lake, Went Whitewater rafting and relaxed... I haven't relaxed in a while. I will try and put some pictures up later. I left on Friday for a long weekend. Which is part of the reason that I have a lot of reruns on my list.

On the Schedule This week:
Book the Mover (This is getting ridiculous) Done Finally!
Call CFNI again about room on campus Done!
Call (and actually talk to) Bethany Dilts (Try Try again) Yay!
More Packing... This one is going to be here till around Aug 2nd!
Make list of things I need from the store...
More trips to the store (Just Ikea & Target now)
Start getting my car ready for the trip

Later! ~ Alicia


  1. Alicia,
    Its so fun to read your blog and see how you are so organized ! I didn't realize the ranch was so close to Mexico. I have been praying your parents will be able to make the trip with you.
