Monday, July 27, 2009

All booked up with no place to go... Yet!

I have booked the mover they are coming on Tuesday, Aug 4th(or a week from tomorrow)! All hotels and lodging are booked for the road... 1 plane ticket are booked (that may change but for now it is just 1). But we are not leaving for another 19 days.

On the Schedule This week:
Get Ready for Dad's party!(
More Packing... This one is going to be here till around Aug 3rd!
More trips to the store (Just Target now)
Start getting my car ready for the trip...Take care of auto maintenance and repairs.
Get ready to temp move into the guest room
Start training my replacement soon... I am guessing they have found one by now.

Later! ~ Alicia

Monday, July 20, 2009

Getting ready to go...

So I have see pictures of my Apt... It looks great. Except for the part where they didn't have the carpet down yet. But it will be when I get there. Yay! New carpet is good! I had a nice relaxing weekend in the mountains... Swam in the Lake, Went Whitewater rafting and relaxed... I haven't relaxed in a while. I will try and put some pictures up later. I left on Friday for a long weekend. Which is part of the reason that I have a lot of reruns on my list.

On the Schedule This week:
Book the Mover (This is getting ridiculous) Done Finally!
Call CFNI again about room on campus Done!
Call (and actually talk to) Bethany Dilts (Try Try again) Yay!
More Packing... This one is going to be here till around Aug 2nd!
Make list of things I need from the store...
More trips to the store (Just Ikea & Target now)
Start getting my car ready for the trip

Later! ~ Alicia

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Moving right along...

One month! A month from today we me and... well only time will tell exactly who is going with me... will be packing up and leaving to drive across the good ol US of A... As of now the itinerary is as follows: See map

Aug 16th AM- Leave Charlotte for Nashville, TN est: 6.5-7 Hrs
Aug 16th PM - Check out Nashville, Stay in Nashville, TN overnight
Aug 17th AM - Leave Nashville, TX for Dallas, TX est: 9.5-10 Hrs
Aug 17th PM - Visit Friends at CFNI, Stay on Campus overnight
Aug 18th AM - Leave Dallas, TX for Alpine, TX est: 8-8.5 Hrs
Aug 18th PM - Arrive in Alpine! Visit with Friends and Family!
Aug 19th AM - Sleep in a little! Wish Steven a very happy birthday!
Aug 19th-21nd - Movers come. Unpacking and settling in!
Aug 22nd - Road trip Buddy/Buddies Fly home to NC :o(

On the Schedule This week:
Book the Mover (Still... They are supposed to call me today)
Call CFNI about room on campus
Call (and actually talk to) Bethany Dilts
More Packing
Make list of things I need from the store...
More trips to the store (Walmart, Costco, Ikea...Ect)

Until next week!

Thank you,
Alicia Zinn

Monday, July 6, 2009

And miles to go before I sleep...

That is the last line to a Robert Frost poem I have been contemplating lately: Click here to read about my contemplations. It couldn't be truer though...
I have so much to do and so far to go in the next 40 days. Yep 40 Days... So soon but at the same time so far away. I have begun booking hotels and packing to move 1600+ miles across the country. Days are flying by. I have 5 and a half weeks left at work. In which I have to help get things ready for a replacement... That's always fun.

On the Schedule This week:
Go to Ikea with Mom to get some stuff for my apt/house.
I need to finalize a list of what I am taking.
Then book the movers.
Start packing the small stuff.
Get someone in Alpine to check out my Apt in Alpine.
Call the Austin branch of the Dilts family (long overdue)!

I am going to try and update at least once a week from this point on for those who would like to keep updated on what is going on.

Thank you,
Alicia Zinn