Monday, April 19, 2010

Nine Months...

If this were a baby it would be here any day now. I looked at the calender today and realized that as of today I have lived in Alpine for exactly nine months. Then I thought to myself that if this were a baby we would be experiencing breakthrough very soon. Although there have been a few setbacks it looks as though the Dilts family will be moving to Alpine in the next week or so. This is very encouraging because the timing feels perfect. I have been feeling the trickle of hope that big things will be happening soon. This is the catalyst that we have been waiting for! I am very excited and very encouraged which is a huge improvement on my emotional state in previous months. I feel that change is in the air and boy could I use some change right now! Thanks y'all for your prayer and support through thus season of uncertainty!
God Bless,
Alicia Zinn

1 comment:

  1. Keep "pushing" You can do it ! The Journey is long but remeber phil. 4:13
