Saturday, February 20, 2010

Six months later...

I realized yesterday that I have officially been here in Alpine for 6 Months!
Wow where has the time gone? So if you are wondering what we have been doing all this time!
Waiting... We are all waiting. Waiting on the Lord waiting on the grant. There is just allot of waiting! But I have learned allot in the process of waiting. I am starting to discover more about God and more about me. This has been a growing process for me. Living on my own and learning to lean on the Lord for everything. It has been a tough two months starting off this New Year! I was financially in shambles and it looked like I was never going to get a job. Then when it seemed like all hope was lost and the grace was running out God showed up in the 11th hour. Why it appears that God likes to wait till the last minute is beyond my comprehension but He always shows up like He said He would. He made sure I was taken care of. I am! Praise God! I started work as a Part Time Admin at the Hospital District office 4 weeks ago and I couldn't be happier! It is so good to be working again and I really enjoy my job. It is not what I came here for but it is a step in the journey that will take me where I am going next. I have found that the road that takes us into the future is paved with more then good intentions but rather faith in God's plan for our life and trusting Him even when we don't know or understand what that plan is supposed to be! God has already blazed the trail we just have to be willing to follow in His footsteps even if we don't know what is around the corner, or even if it looks like we are never going to get out of the desert we seem to be stuck in... God takes us where we are supposed to be when we are supposed to be there. No matter what we think. Yes we have the power to move God's heart with our prayers but that doesn't change Him. He is God and He will always be God. He will always act like He has always acted. I have discovered in this journey when you don't like where you are at in your journey don't look around and say I hate it here I am leaving. But rather look around and say Why don't I like it here? What needs to change in me to bring me to appreciate this place I am in? How can I be made better? You are the only person who can change your perspective... You are the only one who can change how you look at things. Become an active part of the process growing and becoming who you are meant to be. Don't just get mad about that fact that you seem to be stuck in the same place. The Israelites walked around in circles in the desert for 40 years because an entire generation didn't want to go through the process of taking possession of the promise land. It is a slave mentality that I think really held them back an entire generation had lived as slaves for so long that they had forgotten God's promise of freedom and a land to call their own. An entire Generation had to grow up in freedom hearing nothing of God's promises before they were actually lead to the promise land. Just remember the desert you find yourself in may be there to change you not for you to change it. You have the ability to change yourself and your perspective! Take advantage of that ability! Embrace where you are and the process and you will not only find yourself in a new place but also find that you are a different person walking into that place!
I love y'all!
God Bless!
Alicia Zinn

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