Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wild Fire Has a blog!

If you would like to get an idea of what is going on at Wild Fire...
Check out our Blog:

I love y’all!

Alicia Zinn

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Missions Bug

There is something about the summer time that gives me the urge to leave the country for a few weeks and preach the gospel to the nations... I noticed this feeling my first summer after Belize. That was 5 years ago. In 2007 I did get to go to India... That was an incredible experience! I would love to go back... But at the same time I have so many other places I would love to visit as well... I am thinking the next on my list is probably Italy! I have some friends whom have just started settling into Rome as missionaries. I would love to take a small team there to work with them next year! But hey who knows what God has in store. This year I got to do something a little different... Investing in missions! My finances and Prayers have been invested in over 7 different missions trips and 10-12 different Countries. It is as if I have jumped on a plane and flew to Papua New Guinea or Europe and done the ministry myself! I get to be there in prayer. Knowing that God is not only changing the lives of the people being ministered to but also the lives of those doing the ministry! I get to be a part of something I couldn't have any other way! I urge everyone to Please invest in Missions... Whether Financially or in Prayer! Especially if you know someone who is going... Pray for them! If you don't know anyone who is on the mission field or who is going on a missions trip. Talk to you're pastor and find out some of the missionaries that your church is supporting.

God Bless & I love Y'all!

Alicia Zinn

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Making A Donation

If you would like to donate to my Moving & Living Expenses
(This donation goes directly to me & is not tax deductible,
For a tax deductible donation contact me by email)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mailing List Sign up

To Sign Up to receive my Quarterly Newsletter:

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

100 Days

or 15 weeks or 3 months

The plans are for me to be leaving the third week of August... Packing on the 15th and leaving on the 16th... I am hoping to arrive in Alpine on the 18th! It is very exciting! I wanted to share that excitement with someone!

I love Y'all!

Alicia Zinn

Friday, May 1, 2009

My Starter Letter (to be reformatted into a newsletter)

Dear Friends & Family!

It is almost hard to believe it has been a year since I moved home to be with my family... So much has happened since we hit the road early last May! Many of you got the news around Nov that dad's cancer was in remission... Unfortunately his battle is not over yet... Cancer is never an easily won battle. But God is faithful and we still believe dad's healing is yet to come... Till then dad is working on finding emotional and spiritual healing and leaving the physical healing in the hands of the Great Physician. But I am not just writing to update you on my father but to also let you know what the Lord is doing in my life.

As many of you may already know I have been talking about this ranch in West Texas that my best friend and her family are starting up and how I am going to join them someday! Well... that someday is finally approaching... The Lord is opening the door for me to serve with an incredible team to launch an amazing ministry in West Texas.

Wildfire Miniseries is a Youth outreach ministry located on a ranch near the mountains of Fort Davis in Big Bend. We will be hosting Youth Camps and Retreats as well as Sponsoring Missions trips. I will be helping with office administration and possibly working as a house mom for some of the girls.

I am so thankful for this incredible opportunity! As I make plans for the move I am realizing I can not do this alone. I am so thankful for the support of my family! Both of My parents and even my little brother support what I am doing and have given me their blessing to go.

So in August of this year I am packing everything I have into the back of a small rental truck and moving 1500 miles to Alpine Texas!

This is where you come in... I would like to ask for your support in prayer! Please pray for Safety over the trip, God's provision (moving is not free) and God's blessing and outpouring over this ministry. If the Lord moves on your heart to send a financial gift, I would not turn it down... Let me know, Wild Fire or my church here in NC can take donations on my behalf. For more information you can contact me by email.

Thank you for your prayer & support!

I love y'all!

Alicia Zinn

PS: Below is an info Video about Wild Fire Ministries. It is a little out of date. We have recently been put in contact with a grant writer and the purchase of the ranch and the building of the ministry should be paid for by the grant we are applying for. If you would pray that the Lord would continue to guide us through the grant process it would be much appreciated.

Visit Wild Fire online at:
For more info email Wild Fire at: