Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Two months later...

... and now I update. I feel terrible that I haven't updated anyone on what has been going on... Transition is a tedious process and I am by no means an expert even though a lot of the time I feel like I should be. It has been a long and short two months but for the most part I am here and waiting. We are all waiting here.
Stepping out and moving here when I did was no small thing. It was a hard thing to do... I left my family while they were in the middle of a crisis to move 1500 miles away to do what exactly... well as of right now not much more than wait. In some ways it is sad because I probably could have done this in NC with more money in the bank and a family around me... And I know to some of you that is what I should have done. It is hard for some to understand why I left when I did I could have waited till the new year or something. But I know that I heard from the Lord and I know He is the one that told me August. I am here and doing well. I am learning to learning to hold onto what the Lord has told you and trust that He knows what He is doing. I am finding myself back where I was a couple of years ago (almost 3 years to the day Read about it here ). I am being reminded that I choose to submit to the Lord in obedience. I obeyed with my actions. But until the last few days I have had a hard time obeying with my heart. I forgot who this was about for a little while there. Just so you know it was never about me. Even if I thought it was. I am choosing to trust in faith that as long as I obey I will find myself right in the middle of God's plan. Even if it means being in the middle of nowhere I had heard of before this 3 years ago, doing little more than waiting and hoping that His provision of part time or temporary employment could help make financial ends meet. I need to go to bed but I will update you on where things are with Wild Fire when I get all the details. A lot has happened on that front in the last few days and I want my update to be accurate and clear!
Thank you & God bless!